Patient testimonials

See what patients treated by UCP have to say 

I had to choose between several surgical options, and this is true that ultrasound is less scary. I had no fear of the operation. It seems to me than it took longer to prepare the procedure than doing it! The procedure by itself was not painful. I received local anesthesia, and I did not feel anything

J-M. C, Lille
I chose ultrasound treatment as the procedure is non invasive and painless. I felt pretty good during the procedure. It took only 5 minutes to the surgeon and I did not feel anything.

S.L, ChongQing, China
During the operation, we are not asleep, but we could not feel anything.

During the first hour after the procedure, my vision was blurry, but then it came back and I could see clearly the next day.
C.D, Douai, France
From my perspective, I would recommend this procedure :
I had no pain after the operation.
D.G, Romans-sur-Isère, France
As there is no incision, I was not stressed at all. The treatment was very short, and I did not feel anything.
Y.Z, Beijing, China
It was not painful, neither during the procedure, nor after. I did not feel anything, and the procedure was very quick.
S.S, Lille, France