EYETECHCARE, Limited Company capitalised at 385 504 € 
2871, Avenue de l'Europe 
69140 Rillieux la Pape - FRANCE
Tel : +33(0)4 78 88 09 00 
Fax : +33(0)4 78 97 45 11 
SIRET : 505 187 526 00015 
APE : 7219Z 
Intra-community VAT number: FR58505187526
Nature of information:
This website contains information relating to health, medical devices and treatments. This is for information purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own doctor or healthcare professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing any illness or physical problem. EyeTechCare will not respond to any such request, you should always consult your own OPHTHALMOLOGIST. 
This entire site falls under French and International legislation on author rights and intellectual property.  All rights of reproduction are reserved.  Reproduction of this site all or in part on any support is formally prohibited without express prior approval from the director of publication. Reproduction of texts on this site on paper support is permitted subject to the following conditions being observed: free distribution, the entire document being reproduced with no changes or alternations of any form, clear, legible citation of the source.
Hosted by: 
5 quai Jaÿr 
69009 LYON 
Tel: +33 (4) 37 59 09 50
Crédits :
Photos : EYE TECH CARE - INSERM - CollectifItem, Bertrand Gaudillière
Graphismes : Influactive - Coxinelis
Video : Serge FAVREAU Réalisations / YACATV - images 3D : Géronimo
Website designed and produced by:
Influactive, Cabinet conseil en stratégies Internet,